Relocation is an ever-evolving industry, with new trends and practices emerging all the time. Many companies keep their relocation policies proprietary and confidential, so it can be quite difficult to sift through the available data to ensure your company’s relocation policies are remaining competitive within your industry.

For this very reason, companies, both large and small, choose to participate in global mobility benchmark studies.

Advantages of a Global Mobility Benchmark Study

Qu'est-ce qu'une étude comparative de la mobilité ?

Une étude comparative vous permet de comparer les politiques de relocalisation de votre entreprise à celles d'autres entreprises de taille, de portée et de secteur similaires. Vous découvrirez ce que les autres entreprises offrent en termes d'avantages, de primes et de délais, ce qui vous permettra de voir dans quelle mesure les politiques de votre entreprise sont compétitives. De nombreux professionnels de la mobilité mondiale utilisent les données de référence pour montrer comment les concurrents gèrent des cas similaires et apportent des modifications à leurs programmes de mobilité en conséquence.

Staying competitive in today’s job market is essential for all corporations but finding out if your company is staying competitive within your industry is only one of several benefits you will receive by participating in a benchmark study.

Attirer les meilleurs talents

Avec la pénurie actuelle de travailleurs, de nombreuses industries ont choisi de réévaluer leurs stratégies de recrutement, car attirer et retenir les bonnes personnes n'est plus seulement un effort local. Offrir des avantages compétitifs, y compris la relocalisation, est devenu essentiel pour les entreprises afin de trouver et de garder les talents dont elles ont besoin.

Veillez à ce que vos politiques de réinstallation soient conformes aux buts et objectifs de l'entreprise

Is your company more concerned with cutting relocation cost or offering the best overall transferee experience? Adhering to global mobility best practices is only so important; your company’s culture and business practices are just as important. Benchmark studies will provide you with the data necessary to align your company’s objectives and culture with your mobility policies.

Uncover Relocation Cost-Saving Opportunities

One of the biggest reasons companies decide to benchmark their relocation policies is to determine new ways to save money. Mobility programs are one of the costliest benefits you can offer your employees. Therefore, it is always critical to learn about and identify areas within your program where you can cut cost, all while remaining competitive within your industry and true to your company’s culture.

Déterminer des moyens nouveaux et novateurs de gérer votre programme de relocalisation

Remaining competitive is essential, but for some companies, standing out is even better. Companies implement new solutions and strategies all the time, and benchmark reports help shed light on new innovative opportunities.

Minimize Relocation Policy Exceptions

Do you find there are areas within your program where you are constantly making exceptions? Benchmarking allows you to see how other companies handle similar situations. It’s possible to use this data to make changes to your policies and minimize the amount of exceptions that occur.

Découvrez comment d'autres entreprises gèrent le changement

Change is inevitable when it comes to global mobility. The most recent event to shake up the mobility industry was the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. With these new regulations, moving expenses are no longer considered tax-exempt. This has required companies to reevaluate some of their relocation policies and implement changes, like tax assistance, as needed.

Une bonne étude de référence intégrera des événements actuels comme celui-ci dans ses enquêtes, afin que vous puissiez découvrir comment les autres entreprises gèrent ce type de situations.

WHR Global is a full-service global mobility provider that conducts a Global Mobility & Culture Benchmark Study annually. It is our goal to help companies like yours learn more about relocation industry best practices and identify improvement opportunities within your program. And the best part, participation is always 100% free!

Contact WHR today to learn more about our annual Mobility Benchmark Study at +1-800-523-3318 or