Whether you are relocating to a new city, state, or country, it is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences. It takes a lot of courage and work to uproot yourself from the existing set-up, known people, friends, and family. While it gives you a fresh start, salary hike, or a job that satisfies you, it can be daunting too. Let us help you become a relocation expert.


So, if you are committed to moving somewhere that is no longer your hometown, there are a few things that you should consider. However, if you follow the WHR Group four easy steps for job relocating, you will make the entire process a success. But before we divulge these four steps, let’s investigate some figures about job relocation.


Chiffres statistiques sur la délocalisation des emplois 

Une enquête menée sur la délocalisation des emplois auprès de 1 000 personnes a révélé ce qui suit :

  • 3 % déménagent pour des emplois mieux rémunérés ou pour faire progresser leur carrière.
  • 5% cherchent à être transférés pour fonder une famille
  • 1% ont déménagé au sein de l'entreprise existante vers un autre site.
  • 2 % ont déclaré avoir déménagé pour diverses raisons
  • 7 % ont déménagé parce que l'entreprise ou la société s'est installée dans un nouveau lieu.
  • 2% ont déménagé pour l'acquisition d'une entreprise

According to Business News Daily a company is likely to spend between $21,3127 and $24,913 on you for a relocation. This can go higher for homeowners between $61,622 and $79,429. 

While both the figures are significant, as an employee you have earned these expenses. So, whether you are job relocating as a newly hired employee or an existing one, the process needs to be handled carefully. If anything goes wrong, you will not only end up paying more, but your employer might refuse to bear the extra cost. The best way to combat this hassle is for your company to hire a professional employee relocation company like WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), and outsource the whole process.

Si vous vous demandez quelles mesures vous pouvez prendre pour faciliter votre déménagement et devenir un expert en la matière, voici les solutions qui s'offrent à vous.

Four Easy Steps To Become Job Relocation Expert

It is exciting to get a promotion or a new position in a new city, state, or country. But making a move can be quite a hassle, mainly if your employer has set an aggressive deadline. While there is no such timeline as to how much time a company will give you to relocate, according to an HR service company, AB Personnel Services, typically, the time is between 2 and 4 weeks. So, how to move within these few weeks efficiently? The simple answer is you need a plan of action, and or the help of a professional relocation program service. Follow these four simple steps.

Étape 1 : Établir un budget 

L'un des principaux facteurs de stress d'un déménagement est la logistique et les dépenses qui en découlent. La meilleure façon de le combattre est de commencer à dresser la liste des coûts potentiels et de faire un budget. Dans cette liste, vous devez inclure les éléments suivants :

  • House hunting in the new place, consider BVO vs. GBO potentially
  • Résiliation du bail ou vente de la maison actuelle
  • Un dépôt de garantie ou un acompte pour la nouvelle maison
  • Frais de fermeture et d'installation des services publics, du câble, de l'Internet, etc.
  • Dépenses pour le nouveau mobilier et les nouveaux ustensiles
  • Les dépenses liées à la réparation ou à l'amélioration éventuelle du nouveau logement.
  • Frais de déménagement

Even a rough estimate will help you in understanding the upfront cost of relocating. However, if you find doing it by yourself hard since doing all the research can be time-consuming, find a professional like WHR Group who will help you with the budget and other logistics of moving.

Étape 2 : Examiner les dépenses à long terme 

After you have finished with your initial budgeting, it’s time for you to dig into a bit more details about the new place. First, you must review the cost of living in that place and the taxes. Investigate a COLA for your move.

Cost of Living:  Even if you are getting a job relocation package for moving, you must weigh in on the cost of living in the new city. There will be a substantial change in the living cost even if you move to a similar size city. You can hire a professional who can give you a cost of living estimate in the new place.

Taxes:  One of the biggest botherations is the requirement to file partial-year tax in both the places, i.e., the place you lived and the place you relocated. This can be quite a challenge when there is a different income tax rate, policy, and regulation. Consult with a professional to know how much you must set aside for taxes while relocating. Learn more about tax implications here.

Étape 3 : Demandez une aide à la réinstallation 

Generally, an employer will provide you with relocation assistance. However, in case you are not aware of it, ask for help and do not be afraid of negotiating. The best way to negotiate with the employer is to be ready with the details like moving costs. Get quotations from professional movers for household goods, transport expenses, storage, and temporary housing. Getting this information and presenting it to your employer can be crucial in getting relocation support.

Vous pouvez également demander quelles sont les entreprises de déménagement préférées de l'entreprise. Parfois, le remboursement du déménagement peut être subordonné à l'utilisation des professionnels préférés de l'entreprise.

Step 4: Know the Relocation Benefits Available To You

De nombreuses organisations offrent des services de relocalisation à leurs employés. Renseignez-vous sur les possibilités qui s'offrent à vous. Vous pouvez parfois vous faire rembourser vos voyages de recherche de logement, obtenir de l'aide pour trouver un bien locatif, et même obtenir une aide à la carrière pour votre conjoint.

Un autre avantage que beaucoup ignorent est le remboursement partiel de l'impôt sur le revenu en cas de déménagement. Bien qu'il existe des règles et des normes concernant les personnes pouvant bénéficier de ce remboursement, le fait de le connaître et d'y avoir recours peut être très bénéfique.

Le mot de la fin

While you can always get ready and move to a new place by yourself, we can assure you that it will be stressful. So, why bother with all these relocation troubles? The best way to go about it is to know the details about how to navigate the process and become a relocation expert today. Then ask for the assistance of a relocation company, like WHR Group, to do the job for you and your employer. Employee relocation is our expertise and we can answer all your questions today.