Employee relocation occurs when a company chooses to move a new or existing employee from one location to another. This can include across the US or across the world! The reasons for relocating an employee have benefits for both the employer and employee including taking on a new role, support business expansion, or enhancing operational efficiencies. The relocation process typically encompasses various logistical, financial, and personal aspects, including arranging housing, covering moving expenses, and providing support to help employees and their families adapt to their new environment.
Employee Relocation 101 provides valuable information and resources for both U.S. Domestic and International assignments:
Typical benefits offered to employees for relocation (may differ if move is the move is U.S. Domestic or International) and often include:
Helps employees assess and plan for a potential relocation by providing information and guidance on the feasibility, impact, and logistics of moving to a new location
These can include property vacating services such as
selling a home, renting,
termination of a lease
or purchasing a new home
Assistance for household goods moves can be via a rental truck (self-move), van line, or air freight (typically for international assignments)
Services include
Area Orientation,
and Settling-In Services
What is a Relocation Policy and why do I need one?
A relocation policy is a set of guidelines and procedures that a company establishes to manage and support the process of moving an employee from one location to another or on a temporary assignment overseas. It outlines what is covered and provided by the company, including financial support, services offered, and responsibilities of both the employer and employee during the relocation.
Essentially, a relocation policy is like a workflow that dictates what each employee will receive for benefits, typically based on what are commonly known as “tiers.” Tiers determine the level of benefits each relocating employee will receive based on criteria important to you, such as employment level (manager/executive), homeowner status (owner/renter), or any other criteria you deem critical.
A well written relocation policy provides consistency in your program, clarity as to what the employee can expect, and helps manage and control relocation expenses.
Visit our Relocation Toolbox for a wealth of information to help get your relocation program on the right track!
What are typical Employee Relocation Services?
Employee relocation services, or benefits, are typically outlined in a relocation policy.
This takes the guesswork out of handling each individual relocation and allows consistency within your program.
Services and policy tier typically differ for those employees who are relocating domestically or internationally.
For employees relocating within the U.S., services might include a combination of 7 categories (based on the policy tier):
1) Employee Counseling
- Initial Consultation
- Policy/Benefits Review
- Needs Assessment
2) Household Goods
- Movement of Household Goods
- Storage (SIT/Long Term)
- Automobile Transportation
- 宠物运输
- Claims Administration
3) Home Sale
- Home Marketing Assistance
- 买方价值选择(BVO)
- Guaranteed Buy Out (GBO)
- 直接报销
4) Home Finding
- Rental Assistance
- 购房
- 抵押贷款援助
5) Destination Services
- Preview Trip
- 地区定位
- 临时住房
- School Search
- Spouse/Partner Assistance
- Settling In Assistance
6) Quality
- In Process Surveys
- Overall Satisfaction Surveys
7) Financial
- 异常管理
- Expense Management
Curious how industry specific relocation services compare?
For employees relocating internationally, services might include a combination of 7 categories (based on the policy tier):
1) Employee Counseling
- Initial Consultation
- Policy/Benefits Review
- Needs Assessment
- Immigration Assistance
- Language Training
- Cultural Training
- On Assignment Support
2) Household Goods
- Movement of Household Goods
- Storage (SIT/Long Term)
- Freight Forwarding/Customs Assistance
- 宠物运输
- Claims Administration
3) Home Sale
- Home Marketing Assistance
- Buyer Value Option
(BVO – US Only) - Guaranteed Buy Out
(GBO – US Only) - Property/Tenancy Management
- Lease Cancellation Assistance
4) Home Finding
- Rental Assistance
- 购房
- 抵押贷款援助
- Closing/Title Assistance
5) Destination Services
- Preview Trip
- 地区定位
- 临时住房
- School Search
- Spouse/Partner Assistance
- Settling In Assistance
- Furniture Rental
- Home Leave
- 离境服务
6) Quality
- In Process Surveys
- Overall Satisfaction Surveys
7) Financial
- 异常管理
- Expense Management
- Lump Sum Assistance
Curious how industry specific relocation services compare?
What to expect from your Relocation Management Company?
When partnering with a relocation service provider (RMC), companies should expect comprehensive support that includes expert guidance on polices, best practices, and compliance, while offering customized services designed to meet the individual needs of your relocating employees. A reliable RMC will facilitate a seamless relocation by managing everything from household goods transportation to home sale, destination, and settling-in services, ensuring your employees have a positive experience throughout the relocation process.
Relocation Management Team
and Employer
- 账户监测和质量保证
- 对行业最佳实践、趋势、税收和法律的了解
- 每月、每季度和每年的客户会议
- 报告
- 政策咨询
- 政策标杆
- Third-party oversight (e.g., employees’ real estate agent or household goods mover)
You can expect your account manager to provide regular updates on VIP employees/relocating executives, exception requests to your policy (e.g., an employee needing an extra month of storage), and help coordinate custom reports.
Their main goal is to be proactive and work in your best interest throughout your relationship with the RMC.
Ready to learn how WHR Global can partner with you?
Relocation Management Team
and Transferring Employee
Relocating employees are assigned a relocation counselor to help explain, manage, and deliver all services being received as part of the employer’s policy. This relocation counselor serves as the transferring employee’s main point of contact throughout the lifecycle of the relocation, and their main goal is to provide consistent policy guidance, program knowledge, and to ensure that all services and timelines are managed to the satisfaction of the employee plus contract requirements. Leveraging relocation technology, counselors are guided through all outstanding tasks and deliverables from home marketing assistance to home-finding to helping your significant other find employment in the new location.
The relocation experience itself begins after you authorize an employee for a relocation—usually through the RMC’s technology or by email. Within 24 hours, the assigned relocation counselor will reach out to the employee, introduce themselves as the main point of contact, and schedule a time for an in-depth initial phone call.
Initial Employee Communication
- 房屋出售或租赁-中断援助
- 家庭营销和家庭搜索
- 无论是通过卡车租赁、全方位服务的货车公司,还是国际货运公司,家庭用品的搬运过程都是如此。
- 目的地服务概述,包括仓储、临时住房和语言培训
- 适用时的最终股权融资
- 符合报销或免税条件的费用
Ongoing Employee Support
Throughout the relocation process, the Relocation Counselor coordinates each service as the employee’s advocate, setting appointments, confirming status updates, and ensuring they provide consistent and timely updates on each service along the way, such as:
- 寻找临时住房
- 预订房地产或租赁代理
- 寻找评估师和房屋检查员
- 预订和监督家庭用品/货运代理人员
At the completion of service, your employee will have the opportunity to rate their satisfaction with the process, relocation counselor, and any third-party service providers. This process helps the RMC with maintaining quality standards and ensuring your employee has a positive relocation experience.
There are a lot of terms and jargon associated with employee relocation. We have assembled a comprehensive glossary with over 165 employee relocation and assignment management terms! See our Global Mobility Glossary.
What challenges are presented
in Employee Relocation?
Whether domestic or international, can relocation present several challenges for employees and employers.
Relocation Myths
The myths surrounding relocation are vast, however you are not required to be an expert or work for a Relocation Management Company, (RMC), to understand everything.
The relocation industry is constantly changing based on current trends and best practices in the global workplace, which is why companies typically contract with an RMC like WHR to manage relocations for them.
What kinds of costs are involved in managing an Employee Relocation?
Relocation costs should be transparent. There should never be a surprise when you review a relocation invoice, which is why we have created this list of common fees to help you better understand and negotiate a reasonable contract for relocation services.
While fees vary from company to company, they are, in general, similar across all Relocation Managment Companies (RMCs). Costs charged by an RMC for overall program administration, including salaries, overhead, and profit.
Transparency in these costs is crucial to ensure that you understand what is being charged and why, helping you to avoid unexpected expenses and maintain a cost-effective relocation program.
Service fees are the actual fees for the actual services provided to the employee either directly by the RMC or a 3rd party provider. (i.e., Temporary Housing Provider or Destination Services Provider)
Are International Relocation Policies tax compliant?
Regardless of whether an international relocation is permanent or simply a short-term assignment, all relocation-related expenses will likely raise tax issues in both departure and destination countries. This is why it is critical that the potential tax exposure from relocation reimbursements be monitored so that accurate tax returns can be filed in both the old and new country locations.
It is strongly suggested that the employer provides tax equalization for employees relocating internationally. This allows employees to pay taxes as they would in their original country, with you covering the difference.
Your RMC will work with you, your preferred tax provider, and employees to assist with maintaining a tax compliant relocation program.
While a tiered policy gives the ability for a company to be selective regarding which benefits are offered and to whom, some benefits may be offered to all packages. For instance, a household goods move may be offered to all relocating employees, but only certain employees might receive a home sale benefit. You will need to consider which benefits make the most sense for your different levels of employees.
Companies also use policy tiers to keep an eye on relocation costs. Some companies offer home sale benefits to all relocating homeowners while others prefer to restrict that offering to higher-level employees, as home sale is one of the most expensive and complex (yet helpful) benefits you can offer.
There are several different factors companies use when creating a tiered policy. In fact, most companies use multiple factors. The most common criteria for determining an employee’s relocation benefit is job level. This is largely tied into the rarity of the skill set required and impact the individual will make to the organization in the new role. The next most common factor is homeowner status, as the costs and timeline to move renters versus homeowners consistently differ.
The discretion used in deciding which benefits to offer are up to you for each relocation. This can be based on the need for the employee to relocate, the distance in which the employee is moving, or simply based on budget.
The employees themselves can also be in charge of deciding which benefits they receive. The company may offer an employee a specific lump sum amount or use a “points” system. The employee can then determine, based on the dollars or points being received, which benefits they would like provided by the employer versus what the employee would like to manage on their own.
Your company’s culture, talent development strategies, and much more need to be taken into consideration when you’re deciding how to develop your employee relocation policy. Offering too many benefits can prove costly to your organization, while not offering enough can negatively impact your success in recruiting and retaining your employees.
- 获得知识渊博的搬迁专家的帮助
- 有更多的时间让你专注于你的其他工作职责
- 以优惠的价格连接到一个庞大的第三方网络,提供找房、临时住房和家庭用品搬运等服务。
- 有机会将您的迁居计划与其他客户进行比较,以确保最佳做法和对顶尖人才的竞争力
- 利用第三方的折扣和税收优惠,增加成本节约
- 获得搬迁专用的技术,使你的项目以最有效的方式运作
为了更好地了解将搬迁计划外包给像WHR Global这样的搬迁专家的优势,请查看我们的《搬迁计划外包的7大好处》。
- 如果RMC只是作为贵公司的另一个供应商,或者是贵公司搬迁工作中的一个合作伙伴来运作
- 随着你的公司或你的员工的需求的发展,RMC能够保持灵活和响应变化的能力。
- 在客户服务方面努力超越,因为雇用一名新员工比重新安置一名优秀员工的成本更高。
- 有能力将客户服务工作与节约成本的举措结合起来,以证明你的员工的这种重要资源的支出是合理的。
- 供应链管理经验,因为RMC使用他们自己的实地供应商网络来完成公寓旅游、宠物运输和员工语言培训等任务。
二战后,随着美国各地业务量的激增和人员需求的增加,雇员搬迁行业也随之发展起来。20世纪60年代,随着公司的发展,需求不断升级,以协助 "受让人",有时,他们被期望在很短的时间内到达一个新的地点。
今天,45%的雇主说他们找不到他们所需要的技能。这就是为什么WHR Global支持其客户将求职范围扩大到本地区域以外,因为最适合这个角色的人并不总是在你的城市。
RMC Technology
雇主技术 你和你的搬迁管理团队的任何其他成员都应该被赋予对定制客户技术的安全访问。这项技术将提供对以下功能的访问。
Employee Technology
WHR Global(WHR)成立于1994年,是一家私人的、家族式的国际搬迁管理公司。我们与从财富100强企业到美国政府的各种组织的人力资源、旅行部门和全球流动部门合作。自成立以来,WHR一直是一家独资和独立经营的企业,所有权没有变化。我们致力于通过为我们的客户和他们的员工提供白手套的专门服务来推进生命的进步。
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