
Relocation Management services don’t have to come at a high cost- WHR Global is in the business of relocating employees internationally and domestically, and we do it at affordable rates our clients find to be budget-friendly. Read more about the relocation services we offer and give us a call at 262-523-2800 to speak with our team.

Move Management

As businesses globally expand, effective Move Management is no longer just operational—it’s a strategic imperative. Mastering employee relocation and global mobility is fundamental for a dynamic workforce in the evolving global business landscape.

Technology for Relocation Services

We continue to update our technological services and stand ready for the future. WHR Global can make your next transfer or relocation convenient, efficient, and, above all, user-friendly with our technology.

Partner Relations

When it comes to relocation services a critical aspect is partner support. While not commonly discussed, an unhappy partner is cited as a cause of relocation failure. WHR Global works to address this top concern along with many others and is ready to support the entire family unit, big or small.

Relocation Services: Temporary Accommodations

Temporary housing can be the perfect way to help recent hires bridge the gap between their current and new home. Providing temporary corporate housing can simplify the relocation process for new hires and offer a comfortable living space in their new location so they can start immediately.

Global Relocation Services

Global relocation services can help you with every step of the relocation process, from pre-departure planning to post-arrival support. They can help you find a new home, suggest resources, and assist you in settling into your new community.


Moving to a new location for a job is a daunting, life-changing experience. But moving internationally makes that process far more complex. There are many legal matters to consider and the drastic alteration of your day-to-day can cause a culture shock. Anyone can move internationally on their own accord; however, this article will primarily cover corporate international relocation services.

Home & Mortgage Services

The home sale process can be hassle-free with the help of WHR Global. Our process includes home sales, understanding benefits going forward, and collecting all proper documents for reimbursement. There are countless variables to consider when moving and selling your home.


Contact WHR Global regarding company relocation services when you want your employees moved with white-glove service. We are consistently expanding our vast worldwide network to remain one of the most reliable comprehensive relocation services. Please contact WHR Group Employee Relocation at 1-262-523-2800 to speak with one of our specialists.


Contact WHR Global regarding employee relocation services when you want your move completed without any issues. Hassle-free domestic and international relocation services are what sets our agency apart from the rest. Review free resources on our website or get in touch with us today by calling 262-523-2800


当你需要外籍人士管理方面的专业协助时,请联系WHR Global;你会发现我们的服务价格合理,我们的目标是全面满足你的需求。请在我们的网站上花几分钟时间查看我们的服务清单,或通过电话800-523-3318与我们的专家交谈。


当你与我们WHR Global的专业人员合作处理你的国内或国际搬迁时,你将节省全球流动服务的费用。雇员搬迁是我们的专长,我们的客户对我们的经济性和卓越性评价很高。你可以在我们的网站上找到更多的资源,包括我们的联系信息。


将WHR Global的成本和服务与其他全球搬迁公司进行比较,看看我们如何在竞争中胜出。如果你正在寻找一个无忧无虑的搬迁,并且一路上没有任何意外,我们可以以你能承受的成本提供一个特殊的体验。请查阅我们网站上的其他资源,或致电800-523-3318。


请联系我们WHR Global的专家,寻求专业的政府搬迁协助。我们了解政府雇员对高安全性、高合规性的需求,能够为您的搬迁带来丰富的经验,确保从第一天起就不会出现意外。请致电800-532-3318与WHR集团的迁居专家联系。

劳动力 流动性

在WHR Global,我们从事的是劳动力流动的业务;我们在政府搬迁援助、搬迁管理、交付以及美国国内和国际雇员搬迁方面以实惠的价格满足几个基本行业客户的需求。今天就联系我们,获取免费报价。


如果你正面临公司搬迁服务的高成本,WHR Global邀请你访问我们的网站,看看为什么我们是国内和国际员工搬迁的最佳选择。我们可以在不影响服务质量的情况下为您节省费用。请拨打800-532-3318联系WHR集团。


员工搬迁最好交给专家来做,这就是为什么将美国国内或国际搬迁服务外包给WHR Global是一个明智的选择。通过使用我们的搬迁管理平台,搬迁是一个为期一个月的无缝过程,对你的公司和员工来说是更有价值的。


将与WHR Global合作的成本和好处与您目前的员工搬迁机构进行比较,看看我们能带来什么。可负担性只是我们成为您所有美国国内和国际搬迁需求的最佳选择的众多原因之一。请查看SimpleMove,我们最新的软件工具。


Let WHR Global help with your expat assignment to avoid pitfalls and obstacles that can take up time and resources. Our knowledge and experience in employee relocation will work to your advantage when you hire us to handle every detail of your ex-pat assignment, streamlining processes and saving you money.




当您需要全球流动公司的建议或协助时,WHR Global会回答您的问题,评估您的需求,并提供从头到尾的搬迁服务,以满足您的各种需求。请查看我们网站上的免费资源,包括迁居工具箱、博客文章、技术信息等。


WHR Global provides comprehensive international corporate relocation services. Our team of experienced professionals is available to help you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth, efficient, and cost-effective move wherever in the world you need to go. We provide customized solutions tailored to our client’s unique requirements, making sure that all aspects of your corporate relocation, including visa applications and immigration processes, are taken care of quickly with minimal disruption.


WHR Global为各种规模的公司提供全面的国际迁居服务。我们的专家团队了解在全球范围内搬迁员工所面临的独特挑战,并致力于高效和有效地满足这些需求。从提供目的地知识和协助获得签证,到专业地管理家庭用品运输并确保每个人都能顺利过渡,万豪国际照顾到了国际搬迁的每一个细节。


将WHR Global所提供的成本和服务与其他国际搬迁公司进行比较,看看为什么我们是满足您员工搬迁需求的最佳选择。我们带来了多年的专业知识,确保没有任何细节被忽视,一切都以专业和高效的方式处理。


当您需要员工搬迁服务时,请与WHR Global的搬迁顾问联系,无论是在国际上还是在美国本土。如果您想了解我们公司并想知道我们能为您提供什么,您可以在我们的网站上找到大量的免费资源和工具。如有疑问,请拨打800-523-3318与我们联系。