“Ask an Expert” Destination Services Benchmarking.

Access benchmark data about destination service providers to improve your global mobility program!

Learn about destination services offered by location

Determine the best options for your clients by country

Ensure you are offering your employees enough support in their international move!

Covering 56 countries worldwide

What questions did we answer in the Destination Services Benchmark Study? 

  • For entry-level employees, what is the average number of days of destination support being offered by your clients to this employee population in this country?
  • Assume the employee has no dependents (family size of 1). For entry-level employees, what is the minimum service level (i.e., minimum days of destination support) you recommend to ensure the employee has a positive relocation or assignment? Assume the employee has no dependents (family size of 1).
  • For entry-level employees, what is the recommended service level (i.e., recommended days of destination support) to ensure the employee has a positive relocation or assignment? Assume the employee has no dependents (family size of 1).
  • Repeat these 3 questions for mid-level employees, employee & spouse, family size of 2.
  • Repeat these 3 questions for executive-level employees, employee, spouse, and school-age dependent, family size of 3.
  • For expats living in this country, what is the most common leasing arrangement? For example, corporate lease, personal lease, or personal lease with corporate guarantor.
  • If you responded “Corporate Lease,” what is the driving factor behind this?
  • Which component of destination services presents the most difficulty for this country?
  • Are departure services being offered by your clients for their employees leaving the country?
  • In your opinion, is it difficult to get the landlord to return the housing security deposit after the lease is terminated in this location?
  • On average, how long does it take for the landlord to refund the housing security deposit after completing the property handover?
  • What additional accompanied services (0.5 day) would you recommend in this location, for example, due to language barriers?

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Global Mobility Benchmark Study

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