Et si nous vous disions qu'il existe un moyen de réduire les demandes de remboursement de déménagement d'articles ménagers de votre bénéficiaire, d'économiser les coûts d'organisation et d'offrir un meilleur service à la clientèle ? Un meilleur service à la clientèle signifie des livraisons/enlèvements à temps et des employés plus heureux. Pour y parvenir, vous devez vous assurer que votre société de gestion des déménagements (RMC) dispose de la technologie et des stratégies nécessaires pour atteindre ces objectifs.

La pénurie de talents chez les fournisseurs peut entraîner une hausse des coûts

Given the talent shortage, employee relocations have increased, since now organizations must move people from different states and even countries looking way beyond their office vicinity to fill open roles. All these employee relocations, plus global assignments, mean a higher volume of work for household goods (HHG) carriers but these carriers are experiencing talent shortages too. Driver shortages can equate to HHG carriers charging higher costs that are then passed on to your organization. “While the truck driver shortage has eased slightly, it remains near its all-time high. Based on our estimates, the trucking industry is short roughly 78,000 drivers. That’s down slightly from 2021’s record of more than 81,000 – but still extremely high historically,” according to American Trucking Associations Chief Economist Bob Costello, in a 2022 Material Handling & Logistics article. Household goods (HHG) move carriers can choose to accept or reject a move. Some may choose to accept a move even if they don’t have the workforce or equipment to handle the volume. This can translate into late pick-ups, late deliveries, undocumented crews, higher claim rates, and ultimately unhappy employees. The right RMC move management technology will avoid these potential problems and streamline the process.

Bureau d'appel d'offres virtuel

WHR Global’s (WHR) Plate-forme de gestion des déménagements (MMP®) offers movers a virtual bid board allowing carriers to choose the moves that best suit them based on crew locations/equipment availability, and reject those moves that don’t. For each move, carriers may choose to submit their price based on what works for their time frames and traffic lanes, while avoiding overbooking. These bids are calculated on WHR’s negotiated, fully transparent single-factor rate and create a mini-RFP for each move. This is especially advantageous when carriers bid lower than the negotiated rate during the off-season or to avoid low-load or deadhead trips. That means no more empty trucks and carriers can pull moves versus having moves pushed (assigned) to them. This type of model allows the carrier to save costs, which translates into a lower quote on HHG movement being passed on to your organization. Also, since the carrier can pull the moves they want, your employees can experience more on-time deliveries, pickups, and overall better service. After submission to MMP®, our Supply Chain team analyzes all available moving options based on locations, length of time of transit, ability to meet requested dates for the individual move, past performance overall satisfaction metrics, claims metrics, and on-time delivery percentages.
"Notre plateforme de gestion des déménagements a été un excellent programme, car elle nous permet d'associer la bonne entreprise de déménagement au bon déménagement. Nous l'avons développée en nous concentrant sur l'utilisation d'un modèle d'attraction plutôt que d'un modèle de poussée. Nous voulons que nos déménageurs tirent les déménagements dans la direction qu'ils souhaitent, au lieu de s'occuper de n'importe quel déménagement qui leur est attribué. En agissant ainsi, nous pensons que notre réseau de déménageurs sera mieux à même de fournir un excellent service à la clientèle. Cela s'est avéré particulièrement important au cours des 18 derniers mois, alors que le secteur du déménagement a été confronté à une grave pénurie de conducteurs et de main-d'œuvre."
Adam Rasmussen

Responsable de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, WHR Global

Garantir un excellent service

Speaking of service, WHR has identified critical checkpoints throughout the HHG process. Our event management system sends real-time pulse surveys to make sure everything stays on track (e.g., confirm pack and load dates, delivery dates, satisfaction feedback, and more). If an issue arises, we can immediately step in to resolve the issue between the employee and the mover. Also, since WHR is a solely and independently owned organization with no vested interests or ownerships in any supplier organizations, we are free to choose the best HHG mover for each move. We can select suppliers with the best prices, service history, availability, transit time, technology capability, adherence to privacy requirements, references, and insurance claims percentages. When the best possible crew is selected, the probability of a claim drastically decreases, and satisfaction increases. WHR’s Supply Chain department is constantly vetting new suppliers to add to our supply chain so that we do not experience a shortage even though the HHG carrier market may be facing labor shortages. Remember, your RMC should have the right technology and strategies in place to save you organizational costs, reduce claims, and keep your transferees and assignees happy. Vous pouvez visionner une courte vidéo décrivant la plateforme MMP de WHR ici.
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