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“Sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.” That’s what the flight attendant usually says upon completing their safety instructions after take-off. What if transitioning from your current Relocation Management Company (RMC) were just as easy? What if you had someone else navigating the entire process? Imagine having someone else doing all the coordination, communications, and legwork for you, your global workforce, and your service providers.

Switching Relocation Management Companies

Bueno, en realidad no es un sueño tan descabellado... si trabaja con el RMC adecuado. Puede que piense que todavía tendrá que formar a su personal, incluyendo a todos los empleados internos, desde la nómina hasta los recursos humanos globales, pasando por las finanzas y los devengos, además de formar y aclimatar a sus proveedores. Piense en todos los procesos que deben comunicarse entre su personal y su nuevo RMC, por no mencionar que su RMC también debe aprender y comprender su cultura para poder formar a sus empleados. Parece mucho trabajo. La buena noticia es que el RMC adecuado hará todo esto por usted.

¿Cómo consigue exactamente su RMC todo eso? Y, lo que es más importante, si usted es el principal contacto interno de su empresa, ¿cuánto tiempo se requiere de usted?

“We’ll do all the heavy lifting, we only need the client’s relocation policy,” says WHR Global Director of Global Operations, Chris Lagerman.  “After we obtain the client’s policy, we’ll assemble a transition plan for program management. We’ll typically spend a half to full day with the client, confirming our proposed plan meets their expectations before we execute. We’re working behind the scenes to coordinate all the applicable processes; once we get the green light, we manage everything.”

For example, WHR might ask the client how they reimburse employee expenses or what documentation is needed to justify a payment? WHR will coordinate a meeting directly with the client’s payroll person to sort out these answers. Maybe the client has four individuals who can authorize employee transfers, or maybe the client has 20 corporate recruiters in multiple locations. Once WHR knows who these individuals are, WHR will set up a 1-hour training meeting (virtual or in-person), to train all on how to use WHR’s technology.

The average timeline from choosing WHR as your RMC and transition completion is typically 30 days, but during those 30 days, WHR is doing all the hard work. The client contact only needs to spend a half to full day with WHR answering questions, and then WHR takes over and manages everything else. Some clients may think they have to train all their preferred suppliers on how to work with WHR. In reality, WHR will handle all the training and more than likely WHR is already working with these same suppliers.

Así de fácil es el cambio a un nuevo RMC. ¿Está considerando el cambio para su organización?
