Has your organization strategically aligned your global mobility and talent acquisition stakeholders? Or do your teams feel siloed with different priorities and understandings? Read below to discover 6 ways to align global mobility and talent acquisition teams, including insights from Reda Belabed, GMS, a global mobility and immigration leader previously with Honeywell and General Electric, and WHR Global’s Head of Global Sales, Chris Lagerman.

If you feel your global mobility and talent acquisition teams aren’t working towards the same objectives, you’re not alone! Fortunately, there are several common-sense steps you can take to improve your talent mobility and ensure these stakeholders are working as a cohesive team.

When global mobility and talent acquisition teams are aligned, your highly specialized employees are hired quickly and compliantly.


人材獲得チームとグローバルモビリティチームに「How To」ガイドを配布する。このガイドには、移民、税金、推奨されるリロケーションサポートなど、企業の中核拠点について知っておかなければならないミッションクリティカルな事柄が記載されているはずです。 例えば、以下のようなものです:

      • Your company regularly hires executives to work in your Netherlands Global Center of Excellence. Are your teams applying for the Netherlands’ 30% ruling? Is your talent acquisition team responsible for ensuring each applicant meets the 30% ruling’s requirements before presenting the job offer? For example, your talent acquisition representative must ensure the candidate has specific expertise, is recruited greater than 150 km from the Netherlands border, and more.
      • Due to the highly specialized nature of your business, you are recruiting internal and external candidates for a position in the U.S. Is your talent acquisition team familiar with U.S. visa types, such as the L-1 visa for intracompany transfers, or the H-1B visa for specialty occupations? Your talent acquisition teams should know the basic requirements for each visa type before attempting to source foreign talent.
      • RMCは、中核拠点に必要な国別の移転サポートのレベルについて、積極的にガイダンスを提供する必要があります。例えば、この2023年版デスティネーション・サービス・ベンチマーク・レポートでは、国、家族の人数、従業員のレベル別に、デスティネーション・サポートの最低レベル、平均レベル、推奨レベルを示しています。また、このレポートでは、リースが個人向けか法人向けか、敷金返還にかかる期間、どのコンポーネントが最も困難かなども示されています。
WHR Global Ask an Expert デスティネーションサービス ベンチマーキング スイス

2.Time-To-Fill などの人材獲得指標を見直す。


私は、法律で認められている場合、「移民採用可能性」と名付けた部門横断的な事前評価プロセスを導入しました。このプロセスを適用したところ、2つの部門間のパートナーシップを高めることができ(最終的に「不良雇用」のリスクを軽減することができた)、非常に満足しています。 また、データ・プライバシー規制や公正雇用慣行が導入のハードルになっているところもあるようです。労使協議会など、労働と雇用に関する柔軟性はあまりなく、本当に大変でした。



Reda Belabed、GMS

グローバルモビリティ&イミグレーションリーダー, 前職:ハネウェル、ゼネラル・エレクトリック



      • Retain the services of a reputable tax firm. In addition to country briefings for assignees, they can provide invaluable guidance to talent acquisition teams. At a minimum, ensure your talent acquisition teams are familiar with the concepts of tax assistance and equalization, and totalization agreements. to provide pre-acceptance tax briefings to all foreign applicants.
      • For country-specific tax briefings, applicants should be aware of their options before accepting the position as any misunderstandings can greatly increase the risk of a failed relocation or assignment. Assignees (especially those within executive or director-level positions) may have complicated investment portfolios of stocks, stock options, bonds, real estate holdings, precious metals such as gold, and more. The employee’s options will vary greatly depending on the location, citizenship(s), and relocation type (permanent transfer, long-term assignment, short-term assignment, commuter, business traveler). 
      • ステップ2で述べたように、法律で認められている場合は、独自の部門横断的な事前評価プロセス(別名、移民採用可能性ガイド)を構築するようにします。ただし、Reda Belabedがさらに詳しく述べているように、米国や欧州連合などの困難な管轄区域を認識する必要があります:



    Reda Belabed、GMS

    グローバルモビリティ&イミグレーションリーダー, 前職:ハネウェル、ゼネラル・エレクトリック

    4. Pre-decision Calls through your Relocation Management Company (RMC)

    Your global mobility team and RMC may also choose to implement predecision calls. In relocation management, pre-decision calls ensure that the candidate understands the relocation package they’ll be receiving. However, it’s also an opportunity for your RMC to promote your company, your benefits package, and alleviate any concerns the employee or family may have.

    Pre-decision calls also prevent discrepancies or misunderstandings once the employee accepts the offer and begins the relocation process. For example, after the pre-decision call the employee knows exactly which package they will receive, how much each relocation allowance will be, and more. Oftentimes there is a disconnect between the relocation package quoted by a talent acquisition or HR business partner compared to the relocation package actually implemented by the RMC. This may boil down to human error or someone operating on an old/outdated policy. These discrepancies can be minimized when the RMC is both explaining the relocation package pre-decision and implementing the relocation package post acceptance. 




    According to benchmarking by SHRM, the average cost to hire an executive is $28,329 USD. However many employers estimate the total cost to hire a new employee can be three to four times the position’s salary. This is a combination of hard costs, such as recruiters, and soft costs such as the time it takes for department leaders and managers to support the hiring and training process.




    Regular training sessions ensure your talent acquisition teams have access to the same systems, resources, and responses to questions that are frequently asked by candidates pre and post-acceptance. Training sessions also provide new talent acquisition team members an opportunity to learn more about the mobility packages your employees are receiving and reinforce the message that all talent acquisition teams should follow the same standardized processes.


        • モビリティ、TA、人事の各チームを対象とした、リロケーション・マネジメント会社によるオンサイト・トレーニング・セッションです。モビリティプログラムの規模によっては、RMCがこれらのトレーニングセッションを無料で実施したり、ホテル代や旅費の負担を企業に要請したりすることもあります(距離や期間によって異なります)。
        • RMCによるバーチャルウェビナー形式のトレーニングセッション。
        • お客様の組織の重要な拠点や、独自の困難を抱える拠点に対して、国や地域に特化したトレーニングを提供します。
        • デスティネーション・サービス・プロバイダー(DSP)およびレンタル・エージェントから、市場の最新情報、文化的規範、ベストプラクティスについて洞察を得る。
        • レッドフラッグ、ノルマ、見積もりスケジュール、最低給与、労働市場テストの必要性など、移民会社からのガイダンス。



    Head of Global Sales, WHR Global


    In conclusion, aligning global mobility and talent acquisition teams is crucial for organizations to ensure efficient hiring and successful talent mobility. By distributing relocation guides, reviewing talent acquisition metrics, implementing pre-acceptance checkpoints, conducting pre-decision calls, optimizing HRIS systems, and conducting regular training sessions, organizations can foster collaboration and enhance the effectiveness of these teams. Achieving alignment leads to the swift and compliant hiring of specialized employees, reduces risks, improves time-to-fill metrics, and ultimately enhances overall candidate satisfaction and immigration compliance. Continued efforts and investment in aligning these teams will contribute to a more streamlined and successful talent acquisition process.