US Domestic Employee Relocation Services

Our U.S. domestic relocation services provide the support you and your transferees need, anywhere in the country. With our extensive network of trusted service providers and our dedicated and knowledgeable staff, we ensure the best service and communication throughout the relocation process. Our goal for every relocation is for you to have happy, stress-free employees who are ready to get to work in the new location.

Notre expérience et nos offres de services pour les déménagements nationaux incluent :

Services de relocalisation

Conseil en politique du personnel et évaluation des besoins

Dans les 24 heures suivant l'autorisation, le conseiller en relocalisation WHR Global dédié au transféré contactera l'employé pour mener une consultation initiale. Nous analyserons ses besoins et passerons en revue avec lui les informations relatives à la politique pour nous assurer qu'il comprend les avantages associés à sa relocalisation et que nous comprenons ses besoins familiaux spécifiques.

Aide à la vente de maisons

Our home sale assistance process stems from over 25 years of experience and compliance working within industry-standard Worldwide ERC® guidelines and Internal Revenue Service regulations. Supported by our proprietary relocation technology, CARICS, our dedicated counselors who, are licensed real estate professionals, proactively work to guide your transferees through the home sale process. We offer a range of home sale programs including home marketing assistance, direct reimbursement, amended value sale, buyer value option, and guaranteed buyout.

Gestion et administration des dépenses

Your transferees have access to a personal web portal, which includes an easy-to-use expense entry system. The portal is also available in our free mobile application, where the employee can access all their data on the go. Transferees can easily upload receipts to submit for reimbursement and receive updates on the status of their expense submission.

Assistance hypothécaire

During the initial call, the relocation counselor will explain the mortgage assistance benefits available to the transferee and give a brief introduction to the mortgage lender network. The transferee is under no obligation to work with our preferred lenders but the benefits of choosing a preferred lender include:

  • Facturation directe
  • Des équipes d'assistance dédiées à la relocalisation
  • Pré-approbation gratuite avec rapport de solvabilité
  • Réduction des frais du prêteur
  • Programmes de prêts hypothécaires de relogement pouvant offrir des taux inférieurs à ceux du marché.
Déménagement d'articles ménagers

To assist in managing this process, our vendor management department uses a technology-driven solution developed internally called Move Management Platform (MMP®). MMP® is an opportunity board for household goods van lines. For each move, carriers may choose to submit their price based on what works best for their time frames and traffic lanes while avoiding overbooking. These bids are calculated on our negotiated, fully transparent single-factor rate and creates a mini-RFP for each move.

BVO (Buyer Value Option) & GBO (Guaranteed Buyout)

BVO (Buyer Value Option):

Under the BVO program, the employee assumes full responsibility for selling their home on the open market. They manage the listing, marketing, and buyer search, maximizing their potential equity. The employee also benefits from tax deductions and avoids the upfront costs of appraisals. The relocation management company (RMC) provides assistance with marketing and legal support but ultimately defers to the employee’s decisions.

GBO (Guaranteed Buyout):

The GBO program offers the employee a guaranteed offer from the company based on two independent appraisals. The company then takes ownership of the property and is responsible for selling it on the open market. The employee receives the guaranteed offer upon acceptance, eliminating uncertainty and providing a predictable timeline for their relocation.

WHR Global can help both companies and employees navigate the complexities of relocation. They can provide expert advice on BVO and GBO options, as well as other relocation services such as temporary housing, homefinding, and tax assistance.

Logement temporaire et services intérimaires

Our independence allows us to build direct relationships with both property owners and corporate housing managers, as we do not have any ties or commitments to subsidiaries or parent companies. We focus on giving your transferees the best options possible for temporary housing and interim services, and helping your company contain costs. We ensure the properties are well maintained and offer move-in ready housing. Our temporary housing network offers a high-quality, fully furnished units in any destination location.

Conseil de destination

During the initial call the relocation counselor will learn what the transferee is looking for in their new location in terms of cost, neighborhood, school district, and more. After that, the relocation counselor begins the search for a qualified real estate agent. Transferees will receive area orientations and on-the-ground support for finding housing, schools, community groups, and an array of other destination information to support your transferee’s unique needs in the destination location.

Services de résiliation des baux

This assistance includes a lease analysis and payment processing according to your company’s policy and the transferee’s lease terms. Your transferees can simply upload their required documents directly into the transferee portal or mobile app. Once all documents have been added to the portal, the relocation counselor will receive an immediate notification to review and release your transferee’s funds.

Voyages pré-décisionnels et aperçus de la région

The WHR Global relocation counselor can assist the transferee in coordinating a pre-decision trip and area tour to see if the move is the right choice for that transferee. This includes a needs assessment to assign a real estate agent or destination services provider to meet with the transferee during their visit to help address up front questions about living in the new location, schooling, and beginning the housing search. Following the trip, the relocation counselor will collect the applicable expenses from the transferee for expense reimbursements, as needed.

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