PEWAUKEE, Wisconsin, 7. Juli 2020 /PRNewswire/ - Die WHR Group, Inc. (WHR) - ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen für Mitarbeiterumzüge - feiert in diesem Jahr ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen, in dem sie den Mitarbeitern ihrer Kunden durch einige der stressigsten Zeiten ihres Lebens geholfen hat, und sie feiert auch ihre Fähigkeit, Menschen in anderen Gemeinden zu helfen. Die philanthropischen Bemühungen von WHR unterstützen einkommensschwache, innerstädtische Schüler der Klassen 3 bis 8 und ihre Familien an der St. Marcus School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. und an der Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. In der Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, trägt die Großzügigkeit von WHR dazu bei, das Leben von Patienten mit Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs zu retten.

Professional headshot photo of Roger Thrun, CEO of WHR Global

Donations to St. Marcus School

St. Marcus School, founded in 1872, is the largest urban Lutheran school in the U.S. “What makes St. Marcus so unique,” says Superintendent Henry Tyson, “is demonstrated by our exceptional results in a place that’s proven tough to get good results.” The government does not give enough financial support to deliver an exceptional education to each child, explains Tyson, but WHR’s philanthropic contributions have helped to bridge that gap. “Access to great education in a city where a great education is hard to find is transformational,” says Tyson.

The school, with two campuses just four blocks apart, is located in a predominantly low-income, inner-city neighborhood with a vision of working to ensure that every family has access to high-quality education in the city of Milwaukee. Its 2019-2020 State Report Card received five stars, meaning “significantly exceeds expectations.” Few schools in the inner city and even fewer that are low income and predominantly African American receive this type of State Report Card, explains Tyson. St. Marcus follows graduates for eight years and reports a 90% high school graduation rate.

WHR’s employees also participate in the St. Marcus Christmas Angels program. “Lots of our families are on tight budgets, and they cannot always bless and celebrate their children during the holidays with presents, and that can be upsetting. WHR has stepped in and said, ‘we will give and share what we have with people who have a lot less,’” says Tyson. Tyson believes the City of Milwaukee and our country have significant segregation. “It’s so beneficial for employees of WHR to meet and interact with our families, since it creates bridges. Anytime you can build bridges, it’s transformational for the students and their families.” WHR is a suburban company west of Milwaukee, Wis.

WHR Founder and Owner, Roger Thrun, who is originally from Chicago and raised lower middle class, reflects on WHR’s philanthropic efforts with both St. Marcus and Mayo Clinic. “It doesn’t matter what color someone’s skin is, all that matters is that our money and efforts are going to great causes and that we can help someone,” says Thrun. “I feel fortunate that WHR is able to help people in other communities and I can see tangible results from our philanthropic efforts. I know that St. Marcus School is influencing and shaping kids to be successful for the rest of their lives.” A cancer survivor himself, Thrun understands how important it is to receive good healthcare. “I also know that on any given day, someone is getting a personalized cancer plan that WHR paid for through our research funding program. This program saves lives.”

Funding Cancer Research at Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic’s Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgeon, Surgical Oncologist, Dr. Mark J. Truty’s, M.D., M.S., revolutionary research practice has found a proven way to help pancreatic cancer patients who have been told elsewhere that they are out of options. “There is such a stigma associated with pancreatic cancer,” says Truty. With the standard level of care, the survival rate is 5% after 5 years, dependent on the cancer Stage, explains Truty. His research practice has found a way to significantly increase those survival odds, giving patients much more time to enjoy their lives – even for some patients who have been told their cancer was inoperable. “WHR’s generous philanthropic contributions have made a massive impact and help to keep my program alive,” says Truty. The contributions have also drawn attention to Truty’s program. Many researchers are clamoring for support but having a benefactor like WHR points a finger at the program and makes it easier. “Lots of medical research is going into discovery, but I want to see something translational,” says Truty, who explains his research directly helps patients now.

Die Behandlung von Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs erfolgt in der Regel seriell. Es wird ein Medikament eingesetzt, und wenn dieses nicht anschlägt, wird ein zweites Medikament versucht. "Bei dieser Behandlungsmethode tickt die Uhr und es geht Zeit verloren", sagt Truty. Sein Ansatz geht das Problem ganz anders an. Ein Patient erhält eine personalisierte Chemotherapie, die in Trutys Forschungslabor bereits bewiesen hat, dass sie bei diesem Patienten mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wirksam ist, um den Tumor vor der Operation zu verkleinern. "Die Standardbehandlung ist nicht gut genug, wir müssen den Patienten etwas Außergewöhnliches bieten", sagt Truty. Er ist dankbar für die Unterstützung von WHR: "Der Eigentümer von WHR Roger Thrun versteht, dass es etwas Wichtigeres gibt, als nur ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen zu führen, Roger versteht, wie wichtig es ist, etwas zurückzugeben."

"Ja, wir kaufen Immobilien, ja, wir helfen Umziehenden bei der Suche nach Umzugsunternehmen, aber wenn man es auf den Punkt bringt, helfen wir einfach Menschen. Dr. Truty von der Mayo Clinic und Henry Tyson von der St. Marcus School machen wirklich einen Unterschied im Leben der Menschen. Dr. Truty rettet Leben, und die St. Marcus School beeinflusst Kinder, die ohnehin schon stark benachteiligt sind, und bietet ihnen eine positive Ausgangsbasis für den Rest ihres Lebens", sagt Thrun. Thrun ist dankbar für alle seine Mitarbeiter und Kunden. Er ist stolz darauf, dass WHR nach 25 Jahren immer noch stark ist und in der Lage ist, einen so positiven Einfluss auf andere Gemeinden auszuüben.

Über WHR Group Inc.

WHR Group Inc. (WHR) is a privately owned, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in Pewaukee, Wis. (global headquarters), Zurich, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted provider in employee relocation. To learn more about WHR, visit, or follow @WHRGroup on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.